At last Facebook added awesome feature which I was searching from last six months . Now you can check your pending request that means you can see those profile ids whom you send request in past. Most of you are daily sending requests to lot of users whom you don't know and after sending we forgot and its not possible to track each and every record of sent friend request but now its very much possible.
Most of the users are daily sending unknown requests to lot of users and in result they got blocked for sending request so this update will help them a lot to cancel those sent requests. By using this update, you can check all pending requests till you joined Facebook . Finally if you want to see all requests and want to cancel those requests then here comes good news for you all, now you don't have to use any third party applications or software for tracing activity of your sent request and even you can cancel them as per your choice.
So from now onward start using this feature and enjoy tracking your sent request activity.
Steps To Follow For Tracking Pending Friend Request On Facebook :
- ↓↓ Click below given link ↓↓
- Now you can see list of all requests which you've sent to others.
- Now hover your mouse to any friend requests which you ant to cancel and select Cancel Request.
Done !! You've successfully seen all pending requests and you can Cancel it too as per you choice.
Hope you loved this new update made by Facebook. Still if you are facing any problem then don't hesitate to comment below.
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