MSLangah.Com Readers, here I am back with you one new prank which will amazed you and your friends. Ghost typing trick will shock your friends that means it will automatically type your contents without typing anything. Mainly this is just a VB script prank via which we can put certain word in coding of script and after running the .vbs file , the typing will start automatically. I am using this coding for my videos because at the time of recording videos, I don't have to write manually, it will automatically do my task. You too can do this easily, you just have to edit below given codings .
Steps To Follow :
- Now paste below given code in Notepad and save it as cstricks.vbs. You can name it with anyname but extension should be .vbs.
Set wshshell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Wshshell.run "Notepad" wscript.sleep 400 wshshell.sendkeys "T" wscript.sleep 100 wshshell.sendkeys "h" wscript.sleep 120 wshshell.sendkeys "a" wscript.sleep 200 wshshell.sendkeys "n" wscript.sleep 100 wshshell.sendkeys "k" wscript.sleep 140 wshshell.sendkeys "s" wscript.sleep 100 wshshell.sendkeys " " wscript.sleep 50 wshshell.sendkeys "F" wscript.sleep 120 wshshell.sendkeys "o" wscript.sleep 170 wshshell.sendkeys "r" wscript.sleep 200 wshshell.sendkeys " " wscript.sleep 100 wshshell.sendkeys "V" wscript.sleep 50 wshshell.sendkeys "i" wscript.sleep 120 wshshell.sendkeys "s" wscript.sleep 160 wshshell.sendkeys "i" wscript.sleep 200 wshshell.sendkeys "t" wscript.sleep 100 wshshell.sendkeys "i" wscript.sleep 140 wshshell.sendkeys "n" wscript.sleep 110 wshshell.sendkeys "g" wscript.sleep 160 wshshell.sendkeys " " wscript.sleep 140 wshshell.sendkeys "C" wscript.sleep 120 wshshell.sendkeys "S" wscript.sleep 190 wshshell.sendkeys " " wscript.sleep 110 wshshell.sendkeys "T" wscript.sleep 100 wshshell.sendkeys "r" wscript.sleep 140 wshshell.sendkeys "i" wscript.sleep 150 wshshell.sendkeys "c" wscript.sleep 160 wshshell.sendkeys "k" wscript.sleep 170 wshshell.sendkeys "s" wscript.sleep 100 wshshell.sendkeys " " wscript.sleep 120 wshshell.sendkeys "E" wscript.sleep 130 wshshell.sendkeys "n" wscript.sleep 140 wshshell.sendkeys "j" wscript.sleep 170 wshshell.sendkeys "o" wscript.sleep 110 wshshell.sendkeys "y" wscript.sleep 100 wshshell.sendkeys " " wscript.sleep 140 wshshell.sendkeys "O" wscript.sleep 160 wshshell.sendkeys "u" wscript.sleep 160 wshshell.sendkeys "r" wscript.sleep 100 wshshell.sendkeys " " wscript.sleep 140 wshshell.sendkeys "" wscript.sleep 110 wshshell.sendkeys "T" wscript.sleep 120 wshshell.sendkeys "r" wscript.sleep 110 wshshell.sendkeys "i" wscript.sleep 140 wshshell.sendkeys "c" wscript.sleep 100 wshshell.sendkeys "k" wscript.sleep 130 wshshell.sendkeys "s" wscript.sleep 140
- After saving, double click the cstricks.vbs file to open .
- Now you can see the text " Thanks for visiting MSLangah.Com Enjoy Our Tricks" is automatically typed in notepad.
- Here you can edit text of this file along with your own text as per your choice.
- Just look at the text "wshshell.sendkeys "T" " , remove your own text in the place of "T".
You can also change the delay time between two characters, just edit "wscript.sleep 400" . Here 400 is delay time, more you increase more lately it will type.
- You can view this typing effect in MS DOS also, just edit code and replace Notepad with CMD.
You're Done !! Now you can type unlimited text automatically by using this trick. quite cool na ? Use it and comment below for more queries.