Hello MSlangah Readers :), Most of us are using lot of softwares for sharing our screen online with friends because sometimes we face some issues which we cannot able to solve so at that point of time, these types of online desktop sharing websites plays a vital role. As we all know Team Viewer is one of the widely used remote desktop sharing software which is quiet easy to use , but here in this tutorial I am going to guide you about new website via which you can share your desktop screen without following any installation procedure.
Note : For using this desktop sharing website, you must have Java installed in your browser
Steps To Follow :
- After visiting, if your browser have java installed then it will redirect you to next steps else it will ask you to install java.
- Now click the button " Share Your Screen Now " to connect.
- Now it will prompt to Run JRE, just click on RUN and tick on "Always trust content from this publisher".
- After completing above steps, now you can see a new window along with your screen sharing code.
- Forward this code to your friend whose PC you want to connect with yours.
- After putting this code in screenleap website, your friend can access your desktop, you can pause or stop sharing as per your choice at any time.
Lot of other websites are also available like this but I love this desktop sharing website because its too easy to use and it connects very fast.
Hope you love this trick after using it. Comment down for more queries.