Here is the latest post for Facebook Addicted User :D . Nowadays maximum users are using Facebook and most of them are daily spending lots of time and posting status, photos and liking & commenting on friends walls, but did you ever tried to find out your all history of Facebook status from the beginning of joining date till now which you have posted, liked or commented. I am sure most of you thought but didn't got any solution to see all history so here I am going to guide you about latest trick of Facebook through third party website which will show you your all Status History.
Follow Steps To View Facebook Status History :
- As we already mentioned above that we are going to use third party website for this trick, So Click Here to visit.
- After opening above given website, click on " Read your profile history now " option.
- In next tab, you have to allow application to scan your status history so click on OK to allow.
- Now wait for few seconds, let it connect.
Finally you are successfully Connected :) Now you can see your history as per your choice like Post & Status, photos, Post by others and even you can select older post first or newer post first that means you can view your first status of Facebook by selecting older post first just in a click.
Features :
- You can check your own Post And Statuses.
- You can check history of Post by others.
- You can see all photos.
- You can see all videos.
- You can also find Places which you checked in.
- You can check all history of Pages, Notes And Events also.
Done !! Now you can see all your Facebook status history from beginning till now in one page . Let's smile for this awesome way to find status history :)
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