Avail free domain name (.com domain names only) of your choice for complete one year from BigRock.
How to get Free domain name from bigrock for 1 year:- Click on the following link Click Here
- Choose any .com domain name of your choice and check for it`s availability.
- Proceed for the check out.
- While making payment use coupon code: BRC9O9MCUPNQPF2
- Through out the process keep your privacy settings disabled.
Terms and conditions:- Initially you should register an account on www.bigrock.in and then click on the above provided link to avail the offer.
- Offer is valid only on .com domains names
- Privacy protection should be disabled while booking to avail the offer successfully.
- Once you disable the privacy settings, search for the availability of your desired domain name and go for payment and then it will show the total amount to be paid as Rs.509.
- Then apply the provided promo code to avail the free domain name of your choice for a period of one year.
- Big rock possess all rights to add, modify or to cancel the offer without any prior notification.
- After the tenure of one year corresponding amount should be paid to renew the domain name further.
Title : How To Get Free .Com Domain For One Year - Limited Time Offer
Description : Avail free domain name (.com domain names only) of your choice for complete one year from BigRock. How to get Free domain name from bigrock ...
Rating : 5