Add extra layer in your Facebook account and make it secure by following exclusive trick. Now you can add 2 step verification method in Facebook also just like Gmail. This post is called as a trick or you can say Facebook hack because Facebook didn't launched this feature for all countries. This update is only available in some selected countries like Indonesia. If you are an Indonesian citizen then you don't have to follow any trick, you can enable it directly from Account setting page of your account.
Now let's proceed to the advantages of this useful update and how it will add extra layer to our security. Suppose by any chance your account get compromised or you get trapped in hackers plan, then this update will save you to being hacked because after getting your password also no one can hack your account, they must have to put 6 digit security code to get entry in your account.
Here in this tutorial, we are going to show you a trick of proxies via which you can add extra layer to your Facebook security. Follow step by step tutorial carefully for getting success.
Steps To Follow For Enabling 2 Step Verification In Facebook :
- Log in to Facebook ( Preferably In Mozilla ).
- Now click on orange color Firefox logo from Top left side -- Select Options -- Settings -- Tick on Manual Proxy Setting.
- Now copy below given proxy and paste it in HTTP Proxy box.
Proxy :
Port : 8080
Note : If above given proxies is not working for you then
Click Here for new proxies list and copy any Indonesian proxy and use it in browser as mentioned above.
- Now goto Account Setting on Facebook and click on Security or Click Here to visit Account Setting page directly.
If you are unable to open Facebook after changing proxy then login first and goto Account Setting then change proxy.
- After visiting Account Setting, now you you will be able to see a new option " Login Approvals ".
- Click Edit in Login Approval section and tick mark on "Require a security code to access my account from unknown browsers" and finally click on Save Changes.
- Now a new box will popup with some details showing "What are Login approvals?". Click on Get Started to proceed.
- In next window, it will ask you to select your Mobile OS, select as per your choice and finally click on Continue.
- Now you will a receive a new code in your registered mobile number, just put it in box and click on Continue.
- After putting correct security code, it will show you a message of "It worked" just beside box
- Finally you can see new tab of Setup Complete, just click on Close.
- That's It !! You're Done Now. You have successfully secured your account by adding new layer of security.
- Now whenever anyone is trying to open your account in unrecognized browser or new browser, it will asks for security code.
I am damn sure you all will love this amazing trick of adding 2 step verification in Facebook. Your comments are valuable for us so please provide your feedback regards our tricks and Like this post if gets success.
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MSLangah.Com, The University Of Tricks :)