Cookies are one of the main part of our browsing history which is very important to keep safe for our security reasons. Hackers can hack your accounts just with the help of cookies only. So always try to clear cookies of your browsers after surfing various types of websites to be safe.
Most of you already know that after deleting cookies from browsers, everything gets cleared that means suppose you logged in any website then automatically it will be logged off after deleting cookies. Clearing cookies in regular intervals is a good habit if you are surfing various types of websites in a day because we don't know which website is safe and which one is unsafe. But sometimes we want to clear only selected cookies that means we don't want to delete cookies of all websites so this tutorial will be very helpful for them who wanna do this.
Suppose we have two tabs already opened in our browser , one is Gmail & other is Facebook and we want to delete cookies of only Facebook then we have to follow below mentioned step by steps.
How to Delete Cookies of Selected Websites In Google Chrome:
- Goto SETTING in your Chrome browser.
- Now select PRIVACY and click on CONTENT SETTINGS.
- Now click on ALL COOKIES AND SITE DATA from COOKIES tab.
- Now here you will find all website names which stored cookies, just search your selected website whose cookies you want to delete and finally click on cross X sign to delete.
You have successfuly deleted cookies of your selected websites, follow same steps whenever you want to delete cookies of any particular websites.
Hope we are working just as per your needs. Comment below for any type of queries. Thanks for visiting