Limited Time Offer. From December 16, 2014 to March 1, 2015 (the Offer Period) use Skype to make free calls from India to landlines and mobiles in the U.S. and Canada (excluding special, premium service and non-geographic numbers). Skype account and internet connection required; Internet and/or mobile fees may apply. No emergency calls can be made using Skype. Skype is not a telephone replacement service. Skype reserves the right to discontinue this offer at any time.
- If you have credit in your Skype account during the Offer Period, you will not be charged (and your credit will not be used) for qualifying calls from India to the U.S. and Canada made during the Offer Period. Once the Offer Period has ended, you will be charged (and your credit used) as usual.
- If, during the Offer Period, you have a Skype subscription with a fixed-minutes allowance (e.g. 120 minutes per month) that includes calls from India to landlines and mobiles in the U.S. and Canada then your minutes allowance will not be used for qualifying calls made during the Offer Period. However, your subscription will still end at the specified time (e.g. after one month for a 120 minutes per month subscription) even if you have not used your full minutes allowance; unused minutes cannot be carried forward beyond the end of the subscription period.
Enjoy this superb offer from skype and talk as much as you can. Feel free to comment below for any type of queries.