Facebook is updating day by day but each and every update is not liked by all users, that means most of the users are love some updates while most of them are not. As for example, when Facebook was added timeline feature then maximum users are disliked that feature and most of them are using third party addons to remove timeline feature and same situation for new chat also, maximum users are love to use old chat and some f them are still loved new chat features.
Here in this post we are going to discuss about Facebook graph search which I personally hate so I searched an alternate solution to remove this feature and at last I found one. Maximum users are already got Facebook graph update feature while most of them are not and those who already using Facebook with this update are not happy with the layout of this feature and they want to remove this graph search feature. So this post will help you if you want to add or remove graph search in Facebook.
Most of you are searching trick for adding or removing graph search from Facebook but still you did not get any success then here is the small step for you through which you can easily add or remove this feature.
How To Remove Graph Search :
- Goto Account Settings section of Facebook OR Click Here to visit directly.
- Now move on to Language tab change it to English ( India ) OR English ( UK ).
↓↓ BEFORE ↓↓
↓↓ AFTER ↓↓
For applying Graph Search Feature in Facebook, you just have to do opposite task what you did in above given step, that means just go to language tab and change language setting to English ( US ).
That's it !! Enjoy Facebook as per your suitable feature.
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